Policies for Tenants:

Trash Policy:

All trash should be bagged and placed in the dumpsters located by the fence to the left of the building (as you face the front). Trash should NEVER be left in the hallways or around the building.

If you need to dispose of a large item you must call the office to coordinate pickup.

The blue bins are Recycling containers and are located in the same area as the dumpsters, Please break down all boxes and dispose of all recyclables accordingly. If the containers are full, please notify the office.

Mailbox Labels:

You must put the names of every named lessee inside the mailbox. DO NOT put labels on the outside of the boxes. You should receive a mailbox key with your apartment keys; contact the office if you did not receive one.

Online Portal Activation:

You will receive an e-mail invitation to activate your online portal. If you rent a parking space, YOU MUST create a second account for that space. Assuming you use the same login credentials, the system will recognize it and merge both apartment and parking accounts under that login. IMPORTANT: Payments must be made separately by selecting "View Another Unit" on your portal.

Rent is due on the 1st of every month. Rent received after the 1st is subject to a late fee, per your lease agreement.

Utility Companies:

  • Electricity: Eversouce 800.592.2000
  • Gas: National Grid 800.732.3400
  • Gas (Emergency): National Grid Emergency Hotline 800.231.5325
  • Cable Television & Internet: Comcast 800.266.2278
You must call to set up utility accounts in your name prior to your move-in.

Maintenance Requests:

You MUST submit maintanence requests through the online portal, email to maintenance@parkpmg.com, or by phoning the office. No other means of reporting issues is valid.

Bedbugs Warning:

While it is tempting to take second hand furniture during a move, please think twice before doing so. Bed bugs infestations are on the rise and a common way to pick them up is through used furniture.